- Probing the transient reversible realm of protein formulation design space using Chaperonin-BLI platforms, Mark Fisher, KU Medical School
- More Accurate and Sample-Sparing Prediction Methods for Non-Native Protein Aggregation, Wayne Reed, Tulane University, Christopher Roberts, University of Delaware Development of hydrogen exchange-mass spectrometry to predict long-term stability of protein therapeutics, David Weis and David Volkin, University of Kansas
- Combining H-D Exchange and Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulation of Protein Fluctuations, Christopher Roberts, University of Delaware
- Protein-Solute and Protein-Protein Interactions to Better Predict Rheology and Stability of High-Concentration Protein Systems, Eric Furst and Christopher Roberts, University of Delaware Bench top
- Fenton chemistry mediated protein oxidative footprinting, Michael Brenowitz, Albert Einstein College of Medicine