Biomolecular Interaction Technologies Center (BITC)
Colburn Laboratory, University of Delaware
The BITC Mission
- Provide advanced methods for the analysis of biomolecular interactions.
- Transfer technologies through training, consultation and collaboration.
- Provide an environment in which academic and industrial researchers can interact.
Structure and Administration
Located at the University of Delaware, BITC funds research by faculty, researchers and students from UD, and other institutions. Staff at UD provide administrative functions, including grant administration, technology transfer, contract negotiation and intellectual property licensing. Center management consists of a director, and an administrative coordinator. External scientific advisers act as consultants as needed.
Industrial Advisory Board
Each member organization provides a voting representative who serves on the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). The IAB advises the director on selection of research projects, funding levels for the projects, and policies and procedures. IAB meetings are held twice a year. The winter meeting features a roundtable discussion with instrument manufacturers and academic experts; at the summer meeting, a two-day symposium provides the opportunity for IAB members to explore new technologies.
Selection of Research Projects
The director and IAB annually solicit proposals from the larger scientific community for research projects that are relevant to BITC. Responses to the projects are discussed and prioritized for funding by the IAB. The director makes the final selection of projects to be funded, subject to available funds. Additional information can be found at the most recent call for proposals.
Status Reports and Project Coordination with the IAB
Semi-annual written reports are submitted to the BITC director by each project principal investigator and forwarded to the members of the IAB. Project presentations can also be required at one of the semi-annual meetings. At the discretion of the IAB, a scientist from one of the member companies can serve as a technical liaison for each currently funded project.

Contact Us:
Christopher J. Roberts
Director of Biomolecular Interaction Technologies Center (BITC)
University of Delaware | Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
501 Ammon Pinizzotto Biopharmaceutical Innovation Center (BPI)
590 Avenue 1743 | Newark DE 19713
Email: | Direct: 302-831-0838